Friday, June 1, 2007

Classical and Modern

Today I had lots of conversations about modern music making and publishing with my friends. Or my business partners? I am a musician so I have friends who are my partners as well. I cannot do that without friendship...

I talked to Andreas Kemi from Stockholm via phone who is a great friend and business partner of mine. He was nice as always. Like to chat with him. We were having a chat about our private lives first then about yourspins project. Yourspins based on my invention (music software and file format) called Digimpro (Digital Improvisation). You can remix, improvise music and interact as well. My favorite is Robbie Williams latest hit She's Madonna in yourspins/Digimpro format.

As a classical guitarist it's quite exciting for me to do online music project. I like to play classical on my instrument and I like to play with Robbie Williams' song on the Net in many versions. That's what I was dreaming about it years ago.. There are couple of musicians having their songs on

Then I talked to Nesha from Belgrade about our private lives then about yourspins project as well. I love Serbs! They are emotional and srtict!

I think I should do some classical guitar projects in yourspins format... Just mixing classical and modern.